Etiquette Classes for Kids | Children Etiquette Lessons

Etiquette Classes >> Etiquette Classes for Kids

children etiquette

Children’s Social Etiquette Intensive

Group social etiquette class

2-hour training

This etiquette class for children fosters respectful communication, friendship and relationship building, and positive non-verbal cues in children.

Children’s Dining Etiquette Intensive

Group dining decorum

2-hour training

With this etiquette class for children your child will dive into comprehensive dining etiquette intensive, covering posture, silverware handling, napkin use, dessert decorum, table conversation, and cocktail party norms.

Children’s Private

Private training

2-hour training

Customized private etiquette training for children encompasses lessons in dining manners and social etiquette, providing boys and girls with the skills to navigate various social situations gracefully and with ease.

Children’s Manners & Etiquette Classes FAQs

Find answers to all commonly asked questions about our etiquette classes for kids below. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.

  • Enrolling your child in our etiquette course for kids is a significant investment in their personal and future development. The world is becoming an unpredictable place daily. Parents like you should equip their kids with vital skills to navigate life challenges confidently. Discover why you should consider enrolling your kid in our program:

    Invest in Their Success

    First, you should consider enrolling your kid in our etiquette program to enhance their skills for success. Respect, effective communication, and etiquette are the secrets to success in any field. Helping your kid develop these skills early on gives them a huge advantage.

    Improves Academic Performance

    Another reason you should consider enrolling your child in our etiquette program is to boost their academic performance. This program will equip them with vital skills to enhance your child's academic performance. Your kid will develop strong communication skills by the end of this program. Strong communication skills enable your kid to interact with learning materials and engage with teachers.

    Moreover, this program will make your kid more confident in their abilities. Enhancing your child's ability can also translate into better academic performance. The discipline and focus your child will develop through the program will also help them remain focused on academics.

    Enhance Your Child's Social Skills

    Helping your child develop positive social skills will equip them with a valuable asset. Our child etiquette course enables you to do just that. Count on it to show your kid how to make friends. They will also guide your kid on social situations like dining and corporate events.

    Improve Their Body Language

    Body language can profoundly impact your child's success and ability to connect with others. Kids with positive body language are likely to excel more in different areas of life than those without. Positive body language can help your kid succeed in interviews and presentations. It can also help your kid to excel in public speaking. Our skilled instructors will work with your child to improve their body language. They will teach him how to maintain eye contact in every conversation. Above all, they will teach your kids to maintain positive body language during presentations and interviews.

    Invest in Their Character Development

    When you invest in our etiquette course for kids, you invest in their character development. Good manners are a reflection of someone's character. That's why we have thoughtfully designed our course to enhance your kid's character. Our course will instill values of gratitude and responsibility. We will also cultivate integrity in your child to set them up for success.

  • Each class of our kid etiquette classes has been carefully designed to provide the perfect balance between engagement and practical learning. Each session lasts one hour and is meticulously planned to keep your child engaged throughout the session. We understand that kids can be distracted easily. As a result, our trainers strive to make each class engaging and fun. They will deliver the intended content in a brief manner to make the most of every minute of each session. Our instructors combine practical exercises, interactive discussions, and real-life scenarios to keep the kids engaged and eager to learn. The program has eight classes to allow us to provide comprehensive coverage of each topic.

  • Our etiquette classes for kids cater to the needs of children between five and 12 years. We believe that these formative years play a crucial role in a kid's life. Kids develop their identities, social skills, and values during this period.

  • We will reward your kid with a certificate of achievement after completing the course. Also, we will continue providing ongoing resources and guidance to help your kids apply the skills they have developed in real-life situations.

Kids at the dining table
A woman giving certificate to kids
A woman and a kid holding a certificate

Learn More About our Etiquette Classes for Kids

  • As we explore the world of etiquette for children, we recognize the significant impact that understanding and practicing good manners can have on a child's development. Our aim is to unpack what etiquette entails and how it cultivates respect, confidence, and social skills in children.

    Defining Etiquette and Manners

    Etiquette refers to the set of conventional rules of personal behavior in polite society, often in the form of a code. It involves principles of conduct that facilitate respectful and considerate interactions. In contrast, manners are the behaviors that reflect these principles of etiquette in everyday activities.

    When introducing etiquette to children, we emphasize core components such as:

    Respect: Acknowledging the feelings and rights of others.

    Courtesy: Politeness in actions and words.

    Social Skills: Effective communication and interaction in various social settings.

    Role of Etiquette in Child Development

    The role of etiquette in the development of a child is multifaceted. We acknowledge the value of etiquette training in building key life skills:

    Self-Esteem: Boosts confidence through mastery of courteous behavior.

    Understanding: Fosters comprehension of social cues and expectations.

    Fun: Engages children with interactive lessons and enjoyable activities, promoting a positive attitude towards learning good manners.

    By investing in etiquette classes, we nurture children with skills that span beyond mere social competence; we provide them with an excellent foundation for future success in their interpersonal relationships.

  • In this section, we focus on the foundational etiquette skills necessary for children to interact respectfully and gracefully in various settings.

    Importance of Saying 'Please' and 'Thank You'

    Using "please" and "thank you" represents the core of polite communication. These are the magic words that set the tone for courteous interactions. We teach children that a simple "please" opens the door to polite requests, while "thank you" acknowledges the efforts and kindness of others, fostering an atmosphere of appreciation.

    "Please": Essential for polite requests

    "Thank You": Shows appreciation and gratitude

    Learning Respect and Civility

    Respect and civility are pillars of good behavior and are crucial for the development of our children's social skills. We instill the importance of respecting others' feelings, opinions, and properties, which includes sharing and showing empathy. Civility is about more than just being respectful; it's about exhibiting tact and diplomacy in every social scenario.

    Respect: Valuing others' perspectives and belongings

    Civility: Maintaining politeness and tact in social interactions

    Mastering Table Manners and Dining Etiquette

    Proper table manners and dining etiquette are signs of social competence. We ensure children understand the basics, such as:

    Using utensils properly

    Keeping elbows off the table

    Not speaking with a full mouth

    These skills not only make meal times pleasant but also reflect a worldly grace in the young individuals as they navigate diverse dining settings.

    Table Manners: The do's and don'ts during mealtime

    Dining Etiquette: Graceful behavior in various dining environments

  • In our etiquette classes for kids, we focus on enhancing their social confidence through improved communication skills and a greater understanding of social decorum.

    Expressing Oneself with Tact and Confidence

    We teach children the art of expression with respect for others, emphasizing the importance of thoughtful word choice and tone. Our approach involves:

    Role-playing scenarios: To practice speaking in a variety of settings.

    Positive reinforcement: To encourage kids to articulate their thoughts confidently.

    Through these methods, kids learn to express themselves clearly and confidently while maintaining respect for their listeners.

    Navigating Social Situations with Poise

    Our curriculum addresses navigating social settings with poise and positive body language. Essential components include:

    Posture: We demonstrate and practice proper posture to convey confidence.

    Social Graces: Kids learn to greet others, make introductions, and initiate conversations properly.

    Good Hygiene: Emphasizing the role of cleanliness in making a positive impression.

    By mastering such social skills, children become well-equipped to handle various social situations with grace and decorum.

  • We understand that as children grow, the focus of etiquette education shifts to accommodate their developmental stages and social environments. We're here to guide children, tweens, teens, and young adults through the nuances of polite behavior that will serve them in various aspects of life, from family gatherings to future job interviews.

    Etiquette for Toddlers and Tweens

    For children up to 13 years of age, building confidence, self-esteem, and social competence through etiquette classes is crucial. We start with the basics:

    For Toddlers (Ages 5-8):

    Use of polite words like "please" and "thank you."

    Understanding the importance of sharing and taking turns.

    Basic table manners: using a napkin, eating with utensils.

    For Tweens (Ages 9-12):

    Proper introductions and greetings.

    Respectful listening and communication skills: no interrupting adults.

    Enhanced dining etiquette: proper use of cutlery, no elbows on the table.

    Etiquette for Teens and Young Adults

    As teens and young adults, more advanced skills are introduced which are essential for their success in adult social and professional settings:

    For Teens (Ages 13-17):

    Developing skills for social interactions: starting and ending conversations gracefully.

    Online etiquette: respectful communication and behavior on social media platforms.

    Attire: dressing appropriately for various occasions.

    For Young Adults (18+):

    Networking etiquette: how to conduct oneself in professional and academic environments.

    Hosting and being a gracious guest: understanding the roles and responsibilities.

    Interview skills: making a positive impression during job or college interviews.

    We engage children, tweens, teens, and young adults with interactive lessons and hands-on training to ensure they grasp these important life skills. Parents also play a key role in reinforcing these good manners and teachings at home. By mastering these skills from an early age, young individuals are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of social interactions throughout their lives.

  • In our increasingly complex world, mastering advanced etiquette skills is essential for young people to become respectful citizens and confident leaders. We recognize that beyond the basics, etiquette encompasses a broad array of social interactions, and we ensure that our teachings are as comprehensive as possible.

    Social Media and Technology Etiquette

    With the rise of digital communication, it's crucial for us to guide children through the intricacies of social media etiquette. A respectful online presence reflects a person's character, and a few key strategies include:

    Privacy Settings: Understanding and managing who can see their information.

    Posting with Consideration: Encouraging posting content that won't embarrass or offend others, as this speaks volumes about their maturity and respect for others.

    Digital Footprint Awareness: Making them aware that what they share online can have a lasting impact on their reputation and first impressions.

    We teach students that their style of communication—online and offline—should consistently exhibit respect and kindness.

Etiquette Training