Join Our Membership-Based Etiquette Socials for Kids

What We Offer

For just $50 a month, your child (age 7-13 yo) can become part of an exclusive community dedicated to enhancing social skills and manners. Each month, our members can attend ONE of our drop-in etiquette socials, held twice a month at convenient times to fit your schedule:

  • First Tuesday of the Month at 5:00-6:15 PM

  • Third Saturday of the Month at 10:30-11:45 AM

Dynamic Learning Experience

Every month, our etiquette topics change, ensuring that your child receives comprehensive training in a wide range of social skills. From dining etiquette and professional decorum to social media manners and cultural customs, they'll always have something new to learn and master.

Session Details

Each drop-in session lasts for 1 hour and 15 minutes, providing ample time for interactive lessons and practice.

Why Become a Member?

  • Consistent Learning: Regular practice and interaction with like-minded peers.

  • Flexible Scheduling: Choose the session that best fits your family's calendar each month.

  • Expert Guidance: Learn from experienced etiquette professionals.

  • Engaging Environment: Participate in dynamic and interactive sessions designed for kids.

Membership Details

  • Cost: $50 per month

  • Commitment: Minimum 3-month stay obligation

Give your child the gift of impeccable manners and social confidence. Enhance their social skills, help them make new friends, and enjoy the journey with lluxxall Etiquette.

Sign up today and start your child's journey to impeccable etiquette!

Spaces are limited for each class. Registration is required.

Etiquette Training